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As of this date, NİZOLİVE LTD. ŞTİ. I have shared my personal data with.

This consent has been given to me by the Company within the scope of Law No. 6563 on the Regulation of Electronic Commerce, in order to inform me about all kinds of purchasing transactions and practices and contractual-legal matters, and to announce, promote and advertise various products-services and general/special opportunities, in accordance with the relevant laws. electronic messages and other messages will be sent, my contact address information (name, mobile phone, e-mail address) specified below will be received for these purposes, and the above-mentioned and their partners-business partners and suppliers will be taken, by taking the necessary measures to protect their confidentiality and in accordance with the legal principles regarding processing. will be recorded, stored, used and updated in physical-magnetic environments at home and abroad by third parties (domestic and abroad) they will determine, including service providers, successors and social media and online advertising network businesses, for the foreseen period, not exceeding the legal maximum period, will be classified, transferred-shared and processed by other methods specified in the law, provided by automatic / non-automatic methods, I can change my communication preferences at any time I want or stop the communication by performing the action (rejection) specified in the SMS / e-mail messages I receive without giving any reason (possible by law / that the necessary communications will continue in any case) and all other relevant matters, informed / informed by the explanations herein and / or my contract, and without prejudice to all my permissions and rights regarding all my personal data in the contract, including my contact information; For various information, publicity, advertising, promotion, sales and marketing purposes regarding all kinds of products and services, as well as additional service information, transactions and applications, my personal data will be processed by the Company in accordance with the law and SMS/text message, automatic call, phone call, It includes my explicit consent to send me commercial electronic messages and other messages through social media, online advertising networks, e-mail/mail and other electronic communication tools-channels I have chosen below.

I hereby declare that I have given my explicit consent to the above-mentioned legislation with my free will and without being under any pressure within the scope of this consent form.

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