Olive oil is a natural and nutritious ingredient that is frequently used not only in kitchens but also in beauty routines. With its natural content and positive effects on the skin, olive oil also has an important place in the cosmetics world. In this article, we will share DIY recipes with olive oil that will help you create your own beauty products and discover how you can make this process more effective with Niz Olive’s quality olive oils.


Moisturizing Face Mask


– 1 tablespoon of yoghurt

– 1 tablespoon of honey

– 1 tablespoon of olive oil


Preparation of:

– Mix yoghurt, honey and olive oil in a bowl.

– Apply it to your face and leave it for 15-20 minutes.

– Rinse with warm water.

This moisturizing face mask deeply moisturizes the skin and leaves it soft. Olive oil nourishes and renews your skin.


Hair Mask


– 2 tablespoons of olive oil

– 1 egg yolk

– 1 tablespoon of honey


Preparation of:

– Mix the ingredients in a bowl.

– Apply the mixture to your hair and massage it into your scalp.

– Cover your hair with a cap or shower cap and leave it on for 30 minutes.

– Rinse with warm water and mild shampoo.


This hair mask nourishes, moisturizes and adds shine to the hair. Olive oil strengthens the scalp and hair strands.


Lip Moisturizer


– 1 teaspoon of olive oil

– 1 teaspoon of honey

– 1 teaspoon of coconut oil


Preparation of:

– Mix the ingredients in a bowl.

– Place in a small jar and store in the refrigerator.


This lip moisturizer softens and nourishes dry and cracked lips. Olive oil maintains the moisture balance of the lips and keeps them soft.


Niz Olive’s quality olive oils make these DIY cosmetics more effective. With its pure and natural content, it safely nourishes and renews your skin and hair. You can further strengthen your natural beauty routine by choosing Niz Olive’s olive oils when creating your own beauty products.

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